She had class until 8:00pm, and we had 20 mintues to bake this thing. While the girls prepared everything, the men were given the job to make sure the cake didn't burn when they put it in the oven, and to distract the birthday girl if she got back before it was done; and to finish our beers. Easy enough. The girls whipped, chopped, poured, measured, and slid the glutten free cake in the oven at 7:39pm, and zipped out the door to go make her present. After alittle improv and some fine touching, at 8:05pm, the cake was out and stashed away, just before birthday girl walked in the door. Quickly, we rushed her upstairs and distracted her from the delicious odors floating about downstairs. Fashionably late, the girls arrived with her present. We candled the cake, jumped her in her room, sung happy birthday, and handed her a magazine self-made by the girls, filled with inside jokes that had Margot and the girls laughing uncontrollably. It was a good surprise. I don't think she knew. Happy Birthday Mrs. Spliff! Enjoy!