Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July, Tropical style

This 4th of July I celebrated with more than just the colors of red white and blue. Sorry America, The Kadji's celebrated your independence the tropical, colorful way.

With 4 cars packed with food, clothes, music, and a bunch of my french family, we made way to the mountainside of Guadeloupe, Basse Terre. After about an hour or so car ride, we hit the beach for a couple hours, kept moving up to the mountains, until we reached a small resident area pearched right on top of a mountain peak overlooking the ocean. These houses that we rented were the most colorful houses I have ever seen; each particular part of the house was unique and gave off its own vibe by the color. One room was painted an indian orange, while the batheroom was smeared in a vibrant ocean blue. The plates were bright green, while some of the coffee cups were zebra stripped. Even outside of the house, the tropical trees and elephant leaves exploded with color. I could have stayed there for a month and found something new to photograph everyday.

After a night full of rhum, music, and great food, I spent the next day roaming around the place shooting every colorful thing I saw. We spent the rest of the day doing backflips in the pool and enjoying the sun. Enjoy a fresh burst of color!

What I woke up too

Elephant Ear leaves were evesdropping in on my window

We even had some bird friends

My brother, Hadrien Kadji

My uncle Olivier Kadji and his wife Sofie

morning stroll for coffee and Crossiants

The Owners place was sick

Benjamin Kadji with his daughter

My sis, Ana Kadji

My motto


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