Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Its started thursday night, ended sunday night; for me at least. Friday afternoon was shopping day at Salvation Army, and good ol' target. Nobody really had any idea what they were gonna be; However, as soon as we arrived at the salvation army, ideas started flowing. We pulled into a rather questionable parking lot, looking more like the gyspy camping grounds from Snatch (the movie, for all those who haven't been enlightened yet). Upon entering the 2 story building, I stood astonished; rows and rows of outwear that ranged from 1970's tennis shorts, to modern day pimp fur coats. And so it was decided. Nick, Brenden, and myself choose something that reminded me of a 1980's jogger. Friday night's costumes were set.

Saterday night was the best of the two. After a night out on town, saterday nights festivies and costumes were by far the best. From 1980 joggers, Nick, Brenden, and I changed to classic frenchmen. Black&white V-necks that were too tight, white vests that were too short, berets, and the best moustaches Skidmore has ever seen, we were three frenchmen that couldn't helped to be noticed.

Here are some photos of our costumes and our friends. I didn't take my camera out at night; the combination of Halloween, and the chances of me losing it didn't make a good combo. Saw some crazy costumes, heard some crazy music, had a crazy time.

Hope you had a great Halloween!

(sorry for partying...)


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